The final pre-departure thoughts post is here, and it's going to be a good'n. 12 hours from now I'll be on the plane, and 20 minutes after that I'll be in the air and well and truly on my way.
The thing I "fucked up" yesterday has been sorted, it was a bit costly, but it's acted towards my self-realisation before I've even left. I went through with the exchange program mainly to better myself as a person (this sound so cliché), so maybe it's a good thing that things have been hard even before going?
Anyway, there was a goodbye gathering at the pub today. Most of my local friends made it, and it was awesome. Drinks were spilt (over people), laughs were had, and most importantly, I got to see everyone together one last time before going, a thought that I'm sure will help me in any bouts of homesickness.
The apprehensiveness has gone now by the way, and has been replaced by tiredness. I imagine I'm going to have beastly jet-lag at some point in the first week, but it's better than sheer terror at the thought of going. I'm just going to "relax and look forward to the upcoming semester and all the new experiences", as someone told me this evening via email.
Only 3 days to go
15 years ago
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