Friday, May 22

intentional satire? (皮肉)

A few 'gems', hand-picked from the torrent of spam emails I received during my brief foray into the world of work:

"Children Of Rich People Are Stupid B*stards

Its official: the children of wealthy folk are incredibly stupid and ignorant. So say statisticians at Cambridge University, England who have concluded a five-year study into the intelligence of the spawn of rich bastards"

"Aliens Are Gay Says Astronaut

Former Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell - a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission - claims aliens are gay and that they are responsible for many of earth's ills including global warming, war, disease and The View."

"Britney Spears Plans To Auction Off Her Children On EBay"

"Britney Spears In Training To Become A Lesbian"

"David Copperfield Makes the Moon Disappear, NSA Places Him in Custody"

Random strings of words or satirical genius? You decide.