Saturday, May 23

a weird dream (夢)

I have a rotten hangover; Smirnoff and Jack Daniels does not make for a good combination, a fact I failed to consider last night. During the comatose sleep the aforementioned drinks induced, I had a bizarre dream:

There was some form of black tie event at a hall backing onto a taxi rank-esque building. As the evening progressed a commotion began to develop, in which some wannabe Mafiosos became flustered. The boss figure ran down from the taxi rank office followed by a shorter, stockier figure, who had managed to open a safe containing an umbrella, a bowler hat, and a note of high denomination. At the bottom of the stairs the boss continued running while the stockier fellow slipped out of the front door; he stood briefly under a red awning, donning the umbrella and hat, and strolled away from the taxi rank. The boss figure emerged from the taxi rank shortly after looking irritated and scanned the street, presumably for the other man, who by now had reached his destination; a cashpoint machine amidst a busy market. The stolen note was paid into the machine, and the dream ended.

I'm not really sure how to interpret the dream, I think the stocky Mafioso had done one over on the other guy because he seemed smugly satisfied after assuming his disguise and walking off, but even so no meaning is immediately obvious. Thoughts?