The combination of clement weather and the need for a means of procrastination led to a rise in (mainly drink-fuelled) outdoor activity this weekend. A friend, for example, drank a whole litre of Gin and attended two barbecues to which he was not invited before collapsing drunk in bed at 4pm.
Inspired by other goings on and as a variation to the usual Sunday evening routine, me and a few friends ventured into the woods with a crate of beer, a selection of meat, and a box of matches. The plan was to make a fire, eat the meat, and drink the beer.As you can see, the fire burned a treat. Everything from sticks, mulch, leaves, empties and wrappers was used to get it going, and it lasted a good 3 hours before our 'combined efforts' doused it. The meat was cooked on makeshift grills made by flattening empty cans or on sticks held haphazardly over the flames (the first option was definitely the safest, despite the extended cooking time). By 3am all the meat and beer had gone, most people were drunk, a couple were high, and we headed home.
Only 3 days to go
15 years ago
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