Friday, June 12

two days in Leeds (リーズ)

Aaron and I went to Leeds from Tuesday to Thursday of this week, primarily to see Jay and David but also to attend Jay's 'hot and steamy' flat party. The 'hot and steamy' part is only a name by the way, not a description.

As usually happens when spending time with Aaron, Jay and Dave, several things that would normally appear unfunny took on a whole new hilarious persona, this time they included Chinese food, bakery signs, post-it notes, Windows XP log-on screens, mobile phone contacts and bus bells. Pictures clarifying what I mean here.

Upon arrival in Leeds, just after 12am on Wednesday 10th, me and Aaron got a cab to Jay's residence at the cost of £6.40. We were greeted by a slightly inebriated Jay and escorted back to his corridor, which was crammed full of slightly inebriated students. We then found and greeted David, said hello, got drinks, and stood around waiting to be introduced to people (as you do).

Throughout the course of the party, I spoke to two Canadians (one of which offered to show me around Toronto, which is greatly appreciated!), several of Jay's friends, and an unusually high amount of oriental people (not a bad thing, of course). Me and Dave also got takeaway, which unfortunately turned out to be the worst kebab I've ever had. Pah.

Everyone buggered off by about 2am, then me, Jay, Aaron, Dave and Simon sat in Jay's room talking 'til the wee hours. Dave fell asleep on Jay's bed, so I had to share it with him (clothed and above the covers) while Aaron slept on the floor. Nice!

Wednesday was 'all you can eat Chinese buffet day'! Aaron didn't want any Chinese food with chemicals in it, so we took Jay's friend's advice over Jay's, and went to a restaurant that wasn't as good as the one Jay recommended. Aaron then went on to eat only chips, rice and watermelon... Despite this however, me, Jay and David still managed to get our monies worth. I think I had 1 soup, 3 or 4 starters, 2 or 3 mains and 4 or 5 deserts. It was awesome! We wandered around Leeds for a bit as well, then played some pool in the union while Aaron 'worked' in the library.

In the evening we played Ring of Fire with some home made punch, and ordered pizza. By the end of it it wasn't Jay, Chris, Dave, Aaron and Simon playing anymore, it was Poo Bucket, Funky Homme, The Grand Ol' Duke of York, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry and Lord Wellington... In the pants.

Thursday didn't amount to much, as we accidentally overslept by several hours. We spent what time we did have trying to find a coffee shop with wifi so we could book our holiday. By the time we found one suitable, we'd ran out of time and so we had to depart for the coach station, say our goodbyes, and head home.

Despite it's shortness, it was a great couple of days =)


Jay said...

twas awesomeeeeeeeeeee (in the pants)!! stupid non-wifi coffee shops! It turns out you can get wifi in mcdonalds for FREE! typical...mmm im hungry now ^^"

Anonymous said...

hmmm that's dumb, didn't we shrug McDonalds off as well?

haha typical!