This is more brief than the last post, so you can breath a sigh of relief. I just want to relay some of the quirky things I've experienced on my trip so far:
The first was on the plane, in the "Sky Mall" magazine (the shitty duty free one you get in the back of the seat in front of you). Amongst such wacky inventions as "The Upside Down Tomato Garden", "The Bacon Genie" and "The Bigfoot Garden Yeti Sculpture", was "The Marshmallow Shooter": featuring such perks as "a clever pump-action device capable of shooting edible miniature candy over 30'", "an LED sight to help locate the target for accuracy", and "a 20 barrel magazine", this product really stands out from "the other marshmallow blasters". Aside from the general stupidity of the product itself, the fact that there seems to be a competitive marshmallow launcher market amuses me greatly.
The second was in Philadelphia airport, where some creative soul had scrawled the timeless graffiti: "Toy Story 2 was ok". Such intellectual insights have not yet been surpassed on my trip, despite my attendance at Canada's best university.
The rest are based around Toronto. There seems to be a self-supportive population of lunatics here. In the first week I saw one per day pretty much; people walking around shouting at inanimate objects, other people, or even themselves... It's quite tragic really, and slight unnerving!
I've also had to do a fair few double takes. I was walking Downtown when I saw a banner saying "Thank you, wa kers!". The gap was obscured by a tree, and being a teenager my brain automatically substituted an "n" into it. Two paces further all became clear: it was an "l". Thank God too, there's a childrens' hospital over the road!
I also thought the red Power Ranger was a student at the University of Toronto when I saw him sitting outside the library. Unfortunately, on second take, it turned out to be a guy with a red t-shirt and matching bandanna (an interesting fashion decision nonetheless).
I'm sure there'll be plenty more. Maybe I'll even post them on here!
Only 3 days to go
15 years ago
A Marshmallow shooter...Pure genious. (A pump action 20 barrel magazine one at that !!! ) I'm suprised we haven't come across one before ...I wonder why. We could really use one of those right ??? Like, anybody whose somebody has their own marshmallow shooter (for those moments when you just gotta bust a marshmallow in someone's ass) :)
If only the youth of today knew what they were missing; One shot, one treat. The world'll be a much nicer place for all of us :)
Aaron I like the way you leave a comment as "anonymous" then sign your name at the bottom! Heh...
And yeah, it is genius. I saved the magazine so you can have a browse and see all the other funky inventions therein.
If gang wars were fought with marshmellow shooters, this would be a near perfect world. Also, "gotta bust a marshmellow in someone's ass" made me laugh!
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